On 10/11/07, Aaron C. de Bruyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, you hit tab to complete certain commands and filenames.  It seems like 
> Ubuntu is trying to be helpful by showing you only the things it thinks you 
> need.

bash completion isn't an Ubuntu feature specifically - it's a bash
feature. See http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#completion for
more details.

It now doesn't only operate on files. Try "apt-cache show
linux-image-3<Tab>" and you'll see it complete from the package

If you type cd, it only completes on directory names.

If you type mplayer, there's obviously a rule to only complete files
with a common video extension. So my guess is you could modify the
bash completion config to perhaps complete any file there, or write a
script to rename your videos to the appropriate extension.

Hope that helps

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