Hi, I have a suggestion about how to actively support reverse engineering projects.
There are some FOSS drivers in the works that is not yet suitable for Ubuntu. However helping them along the way might get us there sooner. My suggestion is a program that would match the hardware a user have with the hardware a reverse engineering project needs information about. If it is a match the program would ask the user if he/she wants to help the project. Preferably it should be simple things like taking an automatic dump of a piece of hardware or a quick test to see if a driver works. One example would be to help Nouveau[1] with cards that need dumping. There is currently 44 up to date dumps, 105 old dumps and 104 cards still missing. The program could have a great impact here. [1] http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ Another example would be to do a quick test to see if some wifi or modem driver could retreive something over the net. For instance "Can you see the picture below?". Answering yes could send some information to the project and answering no could also send some info to the project if the user has some other means of connectivity. There are some alternatives of when the program should be run: - Automatically for all new versions of Ubuntu - Automatically for all betas of Ubuntu - When the user actively wants to run it. It would of course be important to communicate with the reverse engineering teams to make sure they get information they want. My hope is for someone to pick up this idea and make something out of it. I think 'revenge' would make for a cute name for a reverse engineering project, if it's not already taken. I realize this might not be a new idea, it might already be implemented or it might be too much for the user to deal with. Sincerely Magnus -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss