On Sun, Jul 08, 2007 at 10:35:57PM +0530, shirish wrote:
> Hi all,
>       I have been wondering what the status quo has been with having a
> mozilla-plugin-swfdec as well as gnash with AGG backend. While I do
> not know anything about what this AGG backend is all about somebody
> posted this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2891702&postcount=27
> , while I don't know what is better or not, but as of right on gutsy
> flash is pretty bad. If the developers/packagers are waiting for
> something (maybe tribe 3) can they share that info. Better yet would
> be some kind of roadmap as we have of gutsy or something so atleast we
> know when we can expect to see both in universe.

I am working on backporting agg support from gnash HEAD to the 0.8.0
branch ... and since I am also Co-Maintaining the package in debian, I
will take care that we switch from opengl to agg there as well.

Actually its not hard, just needs to be done. I have the patch
somewhere on disk ... it just needs to be merged (maybe it even just
applies) and tested.

For swfdec I cannot tell much. I definitly will not put much efford into
this on my own, but would be happy go guide others on how to integrate
that package seamlessly.

 - Alexander

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