Christoffer Sørensen wrote:
> On 3/18/07, Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is a big deal only because of the sheer volume of support requests
>> repositories like this generate to ubuntu.
> should really offer a deb for all major distros for all
> their versions, IMHO.
> A tar.gz is not good enough.

I like their tar.gz... makes things very portable (untar to /opt and
you're done)...

To be honest, let alone any packaging, I'd me much happier if they just
*worked* on Linux-Firefox a bit more... When compared to Windows'
Firefox (from my experience), it's like an old and unmaintained
Volkswagen Beetle...

Instead, they keep releasing x+1 versions before making x stable...
which makes x+1 even less stable.


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