> I would like to ask the devels not to include Flash 9 in our
> repositories... It is too damn buggy, and it's not worth the bad PR
> Feisty might get with crashing Firefoxes...

Since it's not included in main, or even restricted, it's not going to
change much to remove it from the repositories.  Users who want to use
the plugin and who are smart enough to have installed it from the
repositories will find it just as easy (and as desirable) to download
it directly from Adobe (it's really not hard).

Bug reports belong in Launchpad.  If you're experiencing crashes that
other people aren't experiencing (I'm not) then please help try to
diagnose the problem.  There may be a workaround or a real bug in
firefox that can be fixed.

I share your frustration generally though.  Buggy software is a real
pain.  I really do sympathize.  I don't think my own problems are
related to flash but I've had the current version of firefox crash a
lot more than previous versions.  Actually the worst thing about that
for me is the dialog that says that firefox crashed and would I like
to restore my session.  It's like trowing up a big banner that says
"Our software is buggy!  Would you like us to work around that rather
than fix it?"

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