On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 14:40 +0100, Francesco Fumanti wrote:
> Hello,
> >Pop-up windows just bring back bad memories from MS Windows ;-)
> >
> >The bubble:
> >
> >- would be familiar to Ubuntu users
> >- need not be tiny
> >- should produce a new bubble each reboot (or every certain time unit,
> >say once per day) thus being annoying enough to eventually get the
> >user to upgrade without being overly intrusive
> >- could get larger each new time it comes up ;)
> >
> >Also, I would recommend that the icon in the notification area from
> >which the bubble extends not go away (even if they close the bubble)
> >until they upgrade.
> There should however be a way for the user to get definitively rid of 
> the update notification, even if he does not update!
> Consider for example a person using Ubuntu on a machine that is 
> always offline and that offers to him a system that does all that he 
> wants. As he wants to keep the system as it is, he should have the 
> opportunity to dismiss the upgrade notification forever.
> Have a nice day.
> Francesco

Something else that we need to remember...

If we have a system with Warty on, and it's nagging its owner to
upgrade, the only system it can upgrade to is Breezy, which itself might
be out of support. If such a case arises, there's no way to get that
Warty machine upgraded.

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