Buen dia

Deseo renovar mi membresía.

Wiki <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DGUERRERO>

Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/~dguerrero33>

Gracias por su atención.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ubuntu Colombia <nore...@launchpad.net>
Date: 21 July 2017 at 00:19
Subject: Your membership in ubuntu-co is about to expire
To: David Guerrero <dg3...@gmail.com>

Hello David Guerrero,

On 2017-07-27, 6 days from now, your membership
in the Ubuntu Colombia (ubuntu-co) Launchpad team is due to expire.

To stay a member of this team you should extend your membership at

If your membership does expire, we'll send you one more message to let
you know it's happened.

Thanks for using Launchpad!

You received this email because you are the affected member.
Al escribir recuerde observar la etiqueta (normas) de esta lista: 
Para cambiar su inscripción, vaya a "Cambio de opciones" en http://goo.gl/Nevnx

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