---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Holbach
Date: 2015-10-20 11:26 GMT-05:00
Subject: Ubuntu Online Summit (3-5 Nov): Get your sessions in
To: ubuntu-devel-annou...@lists.ubuntu.com

Hello everybody,

from 3-5 Nov we are going to have our next Ubuntu Online Summit where we
plan the X release. As at the last times, everything will happen on
Google Hangouts and the schedule is going to be up at summit.ubuntu.com.

Now is the best time to get your sessions in, it just takes a couple of


Please bring it up in your teams and make sure we have all your
important sessions, no matter if they are discussion or planning
sessions or if you want to make them more like demos or workshops.

Thanks a lot in advance and see you in two weeks!

ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list


Jhosman Lizarazo
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