---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "Adam Conrad" <adcon...@ubuntu.com>
Fecha: mar. 23, 2015 12:02 PM
Asunto: Vivid Vervet (15.04) Final Beta Freeze
Para: <ubuntu-devel-annou...@lists.ubuntu.com>
Cc: <ubuntu-rele...@lists.ubuntu.com>

After I get some sleep, I will be freezing the archive later today,
at around midnight UTC, and it will continue to be frozen from here
until final release next month.

After this nap and freezing business, I will be massaging some last
uploads through the proposed-migration machinery and building a full
set of candidate ISOs for Final Beta.

As with the previous release, we have a bot in place that will accept
uploads that are unseeded and don't affect images.  Don't take this as
an open invitation to break Feature Freeze on those components, this
is just to reduce the burden on the release team, so we only review the
uploads that need very serious consideration.

Happy bughunting on our push from here to the final release, and please
do help out your favourite flavour(s) with ISO testing and feedback.

On behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team,

Adam Conrad

PS: If you find something being hung up in the queue that you feel should
    be auto-accepted, let us know, we might need to tweak the bot a bit.

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