---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam Conrad <adcon...@ubuntu.com>
Date: 2013/4/2
Subject: Raring frozen for Final Beta, and continuing on to Release
To: ubuntu-devel-annou...@lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: ubuntu-rele...@lists.ubuntu.com

Just a quick heads-up, the queue for raring(-proposed) is now frozen
for the preparation of the Final Beta, and all uploads now go through
a manual review process before being accepted or rejected.

As always, unseeded universe packages will be let through with a
minimum of fuss (though we may try to talk people out of doing silly
things like starting a new transition this late in the cycle), and
seeded packages will recieve a fair bit of attention to detail to
make sure people aren't breaking Feature Freeze or, frankly, just
breaking things in general.

As with the last few releases, the freeze will remain in effect until
raring releases, to add an extra level of review and avoid obvious
regressions or feature freeze circumvention.  If you need to make an
upload that you feel might get rejected, please contact the release
team first.

Bugfixes, of course, are greatly appreciated, and will be reviewed
and accepted promptly.  Please help us make this another smooth and
polished Ubuntu release, and thanks in advance for all the hard work
in that direction.

On behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team,

Adam Conrad

ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list

Jhosman Alfonso Lizarazo
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