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Mensajes anteriores
Índice temâtico
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] owfi87 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yeisondel expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] michaelrivera expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] monar.hugoh expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] pancracioh declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] alfierimorillo expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] pancracioh wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] latorredev expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] marcoscruz23 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lguerra80 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] marcoscruz23 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jfac2420 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] antonio-vanegas approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] gusma55 declined by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jajobebu declined by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] erwinux declined by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] angos02 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] pejadisa declined by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] naruecorok34 declined by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] canbere30 approved by linaporras
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] canbere30 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] canbere30 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ubuntukurai expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] monar.hugoh approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] monar.hugoh wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] naruecorok34 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jajobebu wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] alfierimorillo approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] gusma55 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] erwinux wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] pejadisa wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] latorredev approved by ofpprieto
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] latorredev wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] masterdonnykass declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] masterdonnykass wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] Aniversario 2023 - 18 años Ubuntu Colombia
Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana
Re: [Ubuntu-co-concilio] [U-co] Aniversario 2023 - 18 años Ubuntu Colombia
Jose L. Ahumada H.
Re: [Ubuntu-co-concilio] [U-co] Aniversario 2023 - 18 años Ubuntu Colombia
Lina Elizabeth Porras Santana
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rafaelaquino approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lacgweb expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] p-castro1 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] megabarto approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jstvevargas1 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cangreja533 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] megabarto declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] megabarto wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jstvevargas1 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] andresmpa approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] andresmpa wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] djmaomixcol approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] djmaomixcol wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] scoleal90 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] scoleal90 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] scoleal90 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] wenamaris approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] wenamaris declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rafaelaquino declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jonshez approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] eddiemedrano declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] eddiemedrano declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ic3br34ker approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] carlosmenco7 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] quecodig declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] daanguz declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rafaelaquino wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] eddiemedrano wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] wenamaris wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ic3br34ker wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] quecodig wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] jonshez wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] carlosmenco7 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nanox expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] danoco78 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] camilo2214 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ingforigua approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] owfi87 joined ubuntu-co
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] owfi87 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] canbere30 approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ubuntukurai approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ubuntukurai wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yeisondel approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lmcapacho approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lmcapacho wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] canbere30 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yeisondel wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] camilo2214 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] camilo2214 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] inglaser declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] inglaser wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] michaelrivera approved by alexbh
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] juanpablo5 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] juanpablo5 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] Membership change: pescamillam in ubuntu-co
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] Membership change: dguerrero33 in ubuntu-co
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] daanguz wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] michaelrivera wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] tuxp0wn approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] tuxp0wn wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lacgweb approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lacgweb wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] dedalux approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] danoco78 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yael-rubiano declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nanox approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rodrigoandres declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rodrigoandres wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] strujillodv expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yael-rubiano wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] zsavsi declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] zsavsi wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hjaguen expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nelsinchi wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cizaquita expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ikaronauta declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ikaronauta wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] esemas expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] necesito ayuda sobre mi computador con linux ubuntu
andres mauricio ramirez montoya
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] necesito ayuda sobre mi computador con linux ubuntu
andres mauricio ramirez montoya
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] strujillodv approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] strujillodv wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] feluv expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] david.casanova expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rogacosjavi1 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lguerra80 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hjaguen approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rogacosjavi1 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] adrisanabriar declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] adrisanabriar wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] angos02 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] angos02 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] entrada al grupo
Humberto Mayorquin Hernandez
Re: [Ubuntu-co-concilio] entrada al grupo
Jhosman Lizarazo
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cristhianecheverry added by cristhianecheverry
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] carloseamaya123 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cristhianecheverry expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yo.mariana expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yo.mariana expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] bdq expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] dvdn10071856 expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] morgenstjernesammael expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] saaguirreb expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] gonztrian expired from team
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hjaguen declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] handark declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hjaguen wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] handark wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] esemas approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] esemas wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ubuntu-co-concilio declined by popey
Ubuntu Wiki Editors
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hpareja declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hpareja wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rpenalozav declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] rpenalozav wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] feluv approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] feluv wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] david.casanova approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] leo3guzman declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] leo3guzman wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] chatadroid-1174 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] chatadroid-1174 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] LoCo Re-reapproval - Ubuntu Colombia
Jhosman Lizarazo
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] [Bug 1848620] Re: Re-verificación de Ubuntu Colombia - 2019
Jhosman Lizarazo
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] [Bug 1848620] [NEW] Re-verificación de Ubuntu Colombia - 2019
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nilsonreyess declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] nilsonreyess wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] angos02 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] angos02 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ellipsys69 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ellipsys69 wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] carloseamaya123 joined ubuntu-co
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] carloseamaya123 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lirrumscode approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] lirrumscode wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cristeche-c approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] cristeche-c wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] alexbh approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] alexbh wants to join
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] bocadequimera approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] dvdn10071856 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] oscar410 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] saaguirreb approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] scot3004 approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] gonztrian approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] morgenstjernesammael approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yo.mariana approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] yo.mariana approved by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] juanryucuma declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] ginotorbaena declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] hibarrap declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] djblackwell declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] juliandavidsilva declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] juliandavidsilva declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] mateoleoncamacho98 declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] davidcantillo declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
[Ubuntu-co-concilio] andresud declined by jhosman
Ubuntu Colombia
Mensajes anteriores