Hello again, I've now installed a fresh Hardy Heron. I've connected my printer, printed some stuff on the web with it, it's working fine. Now I've downloaded GnomeScan, and now it just doesn't even run, neither as root nor normal user, I get a segmentation fault. Xsane detects my HP printer, I can scan stuff with it. I'm joining the log.
EDIT: I just read the log, and I saw gnomescan detected my Webcam too. When I ran Xsane previously, he asked me first wich one to use. Unplugging the webcam, everything works fine, no need to run as SuperUser. So this a problem about multiple peipherals. ** Attachment added: "gnomescan_normaluser.log" http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14165425/gnomescan_normaluser.log -- Gnomescan detects my HP scanner only when ran as superuser https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/214531 You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs