While that is useful to know, all other Linux distros and Unix systems that I have used do source ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.profile) upon X login. If Ubuntu really wants to do this with ~/.xsession, I believe it should at the very least ship with a default /etc/skel/.xsession that sources ~/.bash_profile in turn, so as to not violate the principle of least surprise.
However, there are other problems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the GNOME session is manually selected from gdm's session menu (I don't know about kdm, but I've heard gdm and kdm share the same login standards), ~/.xsession won't be sourced anymore, right? I myself use ~/.xsession to define a custom sawfish session that I can use from time to time, but if I add an Ubuntu system to the network, which would also share the same home directory of NFS, and want to log in to GNOME on it, it would be impossible for me to get my environment variables from ~/.bash_profile set in that session, would it not? -- .bash_profile is not sources when X session starts https://launchpad.net/bugs/66004 -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugs