I haev solved a problem, but this is only a WORKAROUND, and i waiting for the 
solution henceforward.
So this is the solution:
First, setup your touchpad well, to get it work as you want (scrolling, 
circular, tapping etc)

I have solved it with php, because its easier (you can do with your 
localhost/remote webserver or by hand).
So make a new.php that contains:

header("Content-disposition:inline; filename=touch.sh");
$conf = file("syn.out");
print "#!/bin/bash\n";
foreach($conf as $n => $sor) if($n>0) {
$sor = str_replace(' ','',$sor);
print "synclient $sor";

Then: synclient -l > syn.out
Then copy both to your web folder (the two file must be in the same folder), 
and run it from your browser.
Save the output somewhere (as touch.sh) (if you have more than 1 user then /opt)

chmod +x touch.sh and link it to your startup folder that is in kde
located at: ~/.kde/Autostart (if you are alone on that machine you can
just copy here, i had problems with linking "KDEinit not found

Here is what we doing before:
my synclient -l:
Parameter settings:
    LeftEdge             = 1681
    RightEdge            = 5092
    TopEdge              = 1663
    BottomEdge           = 4158
    FingerLow            = 18
    FingerHigh           = 23
    MaxTapTime           = 352
    MaxTapMove           = 220
    MaxDoubleTapTime     = 180
    SingleTapTimeout     = 180
    ClickTime            = 100
    FastTaps             = 0
    EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
    VertScrollDelta      = 104
    HorizScrollDelta     = 105
    VertEdgeScroll       = 1
    HorizEdgeScroll      = 1
    VertTwoFingerScroll  = 1
    HorizTwoFingerScroll = 1
    MinSpeed             = 0.0822368
    MaxSpeed             = 0.197368
    AccelFactor          = 0.00164474
    EdgeMotionMinZ       = 30
    EdgeMotionMaxZ       = 160
    EdgeMotionMinSpeed   = 1
    EdgeMotionMaxSpeed   = 304
    EdgeMotionUseAlways  = 1
    UpDownScrolling      = 1
    LeftRightScrolling   = 1
    UpDownRepeat         = 1
    LeftRightRepeat      = 1
    ScrollButtonRepeat   = 100
    TouchpadOff          = 0
    GuestMouseOff        = 0
    LockedDrags          = 0
    RTCornerButton       = 2
    RBCornerButton       = 3
    LTCornerButton       = 0
    LBCornerButton       = 0
    TapButton1           = 1
    TapButton2           = 2
    TapButton3           = 3
    CircularScrolling    = 1
    CircScrollDelta      = 0.149
    CircScrollTrigger    = 4
    CircularPad          = 0
    PalmDetect           = 1
    PalmMinWidth         = 10
    PalmMinZ             = 200
    CoastingSpeed        = 0
    PressureMotionMinZ   = 30
    PressureMotionMaxZ   = 160
    PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
    PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1

And php converts this to this:
synclient LeftEdge=1681
synclient RightEdge=5092
synclient TopEdge=1663
synclient BottomEdge=4158
synclient FingerLow=18
synclient FingerHigh=23
synclient MaxTapTime=352
synclient MaxTapMove=220
synclient MaxDoubleTapTime=180
synclient SingleTapTimeout=180
synclient ClickTime=100
synclient FastTaps=0
synclient EmulateMidButtonTime=75
synclient VertScrollDelta=104
synclient HorizScrollDelta=105
synclient VertEdgeScroll=1
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1
synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient MinSpeed=0.0822368
synclient MaxSpeed=0.197368
synclient AccelFactor=0.00164474
synclient EdgeMotionMinZ=30
synclient EdgeMotionMaxZ=160
synclient EdgeMotionMinSpeed=1
synclient EdgeMotionMaxSpeed=304
synclient EdgeMotionUseAlways=1
synclient UpDownScrolling=1
synclient LeftRightScrolling=1
synclient UpDownRepeat=1
synclient LeftRightRepeat=1
synclient ScrollButtonRepeat=100
synclient TouchpadOff=0
synclient GuestMouseOff=0
synclient LockedDrags=0
synclient RTCornerButton=2
synclient RBCornerButton=3
synclient LTCornerButton=0
synclient LBCornerButton=0
synclient TapButton1=1
synclient TapButton2=2
synclient TapButton3=3
synclient CircularScrolling=1
synclient CircScrollDelta=0.149
synclient CircScrollTrigger=4
synclient CircularPad=0
synclient PalmDetect=1
synclient PalmMinWidth=10
synclient PalmMinZ=200
synclient CoastingSpeed=0
synclient PressureMotionMinZ=30
synclient PressureMotionMaxZ=160
synclient PressureMotionMinFactor=1
synclient PressureMotionMaxFactor=1

I hope it helps on many others like me:)

Touchpad configuration (ksynaptics) has no (permanent) effect 
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