The alternative solution to the floppy mounting problem with Kubuntu
6.06 is to install a proper KDE file manager -  Krusader.

If the Krusader package is downloaded and installed (and one dependency
package for the KDE Java script library), it works perfectly without
changing any scripts.

With the appropriate line in '/etc/fstab', I can mount and un-mount
floppy disks and read and write to them in Krusader as an ordinary user.
It even works with with my old 5.25" floppy drive as well as the 3.5"

As a bonus, Krusader has additional features such as 'edit file as root'
(with KDESU password) that is perfect for editing configuration files.
There is even the option to 'start Krusader as root' on the 'System'
menu which allows the deleting of old files owned by root.

The floppy disk mounting bug is obviously in Konqueror 3.5.2 which is
inadequate as a file manager.  It is also frustrating because it keeps
reverting to icon view with no setting of file display preferences.

After you have used Krusader, you will not understand why it is not
installed as standard in Kubuntu Linux.

media:/ does not handle floppy mounting correctly

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