It seems there is fixme related to this problem in liboobs-1-1 source in src/oobs-ifacesconfig.c line 416: if (OOBS_IS_IFACE_ETHERNET (iface)) { gchar *address, *netmask; gint config_method; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (iface), "ip-address", &address, "ip-mask", &netmask, "config-method", &config_method, NULL); /* FIXME: can pass config_method like that? */ dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &config_method); utils_append_string (&iter, (configured) ? address : NULL); utils_append_string (&iter, (configured) ? netmask : NULL); printf("%s\n",address); printf("%s\n",gateway); /* FIXME */ utils_append_string (&iter, (configured) ? gateway : NULL); utils_append_string (&iter, (configured) ? gateway : NULL);
/* FIXME: missing gateway and possibly other stuff */ -- Static IP configuration doesn't adds the default route to the gateway -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list