Telegram app is not smart enough (though current source could enable adding this behavior) to figure it should not show notifications for messages that have been already read. This is usually fine if notifications arrive properly (usually only by accident you could open Telegram, read a just-received message [for which you didn't see a notification], and close Telegram *before* the push notification arrives). But it's not fine when push messages are delayed, in which case it's possible to notice this behavior.
"I randomly receive those messages (already read) notification. Some message have then delayed notification, some message no notification at all." You "randomly" receive 'already read' message notifications depending on when they've been sent and if you've read them *and* backgrounded or killed the Telegram app. Notification may arrive delayed (for which the problem can be anywhere between Telegram itself, through our push infrastructure, to push daemon on the device), but it would be good to understand if, in fact, some message notifications don't arrive at all, or you just happen to foreground Telegram when you expect those notifications. You may know this, but for clarification I'll state that notifications will not show when Telegram is in foreground* (which means if some arrive, and you foreground Telegram, the following ones won't show). * with the exception of bug #1515344 -- I thought originally I filed the bug, but essentially the problem was then the phone is locked *AND* the app (for which notifications you expect) is in foreground. In this specific case, they would not show/blip/arrive. If the phone was locked, but the app was not in foreground, I think it worked fine. Anyway, just providing as much details as I can. -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. Title: Push Notifications Delayed or Missing To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list