** Description changed:

  I love playing games. One of my favourite game is "Cut the Rope". It is
  full screen game.
  Unfortunately during playing when I swiping left/right/top edge, then
  launcher/status bar/app switching is revealed (see attached screenshot).
  I would like to propose improvement:
  For full screen application, enable double edge swiping.
  Use cases:
  Status bar - top edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope (there is no status bar)
-  2. First Swipe top edge.  Result: Status bar appears. Game is not 
interrupted. Pressing/swiping any part of screen hide status bar. Pressing 
status bar hide it. Only second swiping reveal settings.
+  2. First Swipe top edge. Result: 
+      - Status bar appears. 
+      - Game is not interrupted. 
+      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar. 
+      - Pressing status bar hide it. 
+      - Only second swiping reveal settings. 
+      - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second swipe top edge. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
  Launcher - left edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
-  2. First Swipe left edge.  Result: Only half of launcher appears. There is 
no dim. No application changing. Game is not interrupted. Pressing/swiping any 
part of screen hide launcher. Pressing launcher hide it. Only second swiping 
reveal launcher.
+  2. First Swipe left edge.  Result: 
+      - Only half of launcher appears. 
+      - There is no dim. 
+      - No application changing. 
+      - Game is not interrupted. 
+      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
+      - Pressing on launcher hide it. 
+      - Only second left swiping reveal launcher.
+      - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second swipe left edge. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
   App switcher -right edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
-  2. First Swipe right edge.  Result: Some bar only appear on right side. 
There is no dim. There is no screen transformation No application changing. 
Game is not interrupted. Pressing/swiping any part of screen hide App switcher. 
Only second swiping reveal App switcher.
+  2. First Swipe right edge.  Result: 
+     - Small bar appear on right side. 
+     - There is no dim. 
+     - There is no screen transformation 
+     - No application changing. 
+     - Game is not interrupted. 
+     - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
+     - Pressing on bar hide it. 
+     - Only second right swipe reveal App switcher.
+     - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second swipe right edge. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.

** Description changed:

  I love playing games. One of my favourite game is "Cut the Rope". It is
  full screen game.
  Unfortunately during playing when I swiping left/right/top edge, then
  launcher/status bar/app switching is revealed (see attached screenshot).
  I would like to propose improvement:
  For full screen application, enable double edge swiping.
  Use cases:
  Status bar - top edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope (there is no status bar)
-  2. First Swipe top edge. Result: 
-      - Status bar appears. 
-      - Game is not interrupted. 
-      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar. 
-      - Pressing status bar hide it. 
-      - Only second swiping reveal settings. 
-      - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
-  3. Second swipe top edge. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
+  2. First top edge swipe. Result:
+      - Status bar appears.
+      - Game is not interrupted.
+      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar.
+      - Pressing status bar hide it.
+      - Only second swiping reveal settings.
+      - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
+  3. Second top edge swipe. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
  Launcher - left edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
-  2. First Swipe left edge.  Result: 
-      - Only half of launcher appears. 
-      - There is no dim. 
-      - No application changing. 
-      - Game is not interrupted. 
-      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
-      - Pressing on launcher hide it. 
-      - Only second left swiping reveal launcher.
-      - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
-  3. Second swipe left edge. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
+  2. First left edge siwpe.  Result:
+      - Only half of launcher appears.
+      - There is no dim.
+      - No application changing.
+      - Game is not interrupted.
+      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
+      - Pressing on launcher hide it.
+      - Only second left swiping reveal launcher.
+      - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
+  3. Second left edge swipe. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
   App switcher -right edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
-  2. First Swipe right edge.  Result: 
-     - Small bar appear on right side. 
-     - There is no dim. 
-     - There is no screen transformation 
-     - No application changing. 
-     - Game is not interrupted. 
-     - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
-     - Pressing on bar hide it. 
-     - Only second right swipe reveal App switcher.
-     - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
-  3. Second swipe right edge. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.
+  2. First right edge swipe.  Result:
+     - Small bar appear on right side.
+     - There is no dim.
+     - There is no screen transformation
+     - No application changing.
+     - Game is not interrupted.
+     - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
+     - Pressing on bar hide it.
+     - Only second right swipe reveal App switcher.
+     - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
+  3. Second right edge swipe. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.

** Description changed:

  I love playing games. One of my favourite game is "Cut the Rope". It is
  full screen game.
  Unfortunately during playing when I swiping left/right/top edge, then
  launcher/status bar/app switching is revealed (see attached screenshot).
  I would like to propose improvement:
  For full screen application, enable double edge swiping.
  Use cases:
  Status bar - top edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope (there is no status bar)
   2. First top edge swipe. Result:
       - Status bar appears.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar.
       - Pressing status bar hide it.
-      - Only second swiping reveal settings.
+      - Only second top edge swipe reveal settings.
       - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second top edge swipe. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
  Launcher - left edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First left edge siwpe.  Result:
       - Only half of launcher appears.
       - There is no dim.
       - No application changing.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
       - Pressing on launcher hide it.
-      - Only second left swiping reveal launcher.
+      - Only second left edge swipe reveal launcher.
       - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second left edge swipe. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
   App switcher -right edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First right edge swipe.  Result:
      - Small bar appear on right side.
      - There is no dim.
      - There is no screen transformation
      - No application changing.
      - Game is not interrupted.
      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
      - Pressing on bar hide it.
-     - Only second right swipe reveal App switcher.
+     - Only second right edge swipe reveal App switcher.
      - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second right edge swipe. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.

** Description changed:

  I love playing games. One of my favourite game is "Cut the Rope". It is
  full screen game.
  Unfortunately during playing when I swiping left/right/top edge, then
  launcher/status bar/app switching is revealed (see attached screenshot).
  I would like to propose improvement:
  For full screen application, enable double edge swiping.
  Use cases:
  Status bar - top edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope (there is no status bar)
   2. First top edge swipe. Result:
       - Status bar appears.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar.
       - Pressing status bar hide it.
       - Only second top edge swipe reveal settings.
-      - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
+      - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
game, and status bar is hiding
   3. Second top edge swipe. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
  Launcher - left edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First left edge siwpe.  Result:
       - Only half of launcher appears.
       - There is no dim.
       - No application changing.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
       - Pressing on launcher hide it.
       - Only second left edge swipe reveal launcher.
-      - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
+      - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
game and launcher is hiding.
   3. Second left edge swipe. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
   App switcher -right edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First right edge swipe.  Result:
      - Small bar appear on right side.
      - There is no dim.
      - There is no screen transformation
      - No application changing.
      - Game is not interrupted.
-     - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
+     - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
switcher and app switcher is hiding.
      - Pressing on bar hide it.
      - Only second right edge swipe reveal App switcher.
      - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second right edge swipe. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.

** Description changed:

  I love playing games. One of my favourite game is "Cut the Rope". It is
  full screen game.
  Unfortunately during playing when I swiping left/right/top edge, then
- launcher/status bar/app switching is revealed (see attached screenshot).
+ launcher/status bar/app switcher are revealed (see attached screen
+ shots).
  I would like to propose improvement:
  For full screen application, enable double edge swiping.
  Use cases:
  Status bar - top edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope (there is no status bar)
   2. First top edge swipe. Result:
       - Status bar appears.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except top edge swipe, hide 
status bar.
       - Pressing status bar hide it.
       - Only second top edge swipe reveal settings.
       - Every press and swipe, except top edge swipe, is transferred to the 
game, and status bar is hiding
   3. Second top edge swipe. Result: The settings are revealed.  as for 
standard (non full-screen) mode.
  Launcher - left edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First left edge siwpe.  Result:
       - Only half of launcher appears.
       - There is no dim.
       - No application changing.
       - Game is not interrupted.
       - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except left edge swipe, hide 
       - Pressing on launcher hide it.
       - Only second left edge swipe reveal launcher.
       - Every press and swipe, except left edge swipe, is transferred to the 
game and launcher is hiding.
   3. Second left edge swipe. Result: The launcher are revealed and it dim 
application. As for standard (non full-screen) mode.
   App switcher -right edge:
   1. Run full screen game eg. Cut the Rope
   2. First right edge swipe.  Result:
      - Small bar appear on right side.
      - There is no dim.
      - There is no screen transformation
      - No application changing.
      - Game is not interrupted.
      - Pressing/swiping any part of screen, except right edge swipe, hide App 
switcher and app switcher is hiding.
      - Pressing on bar hide it.
      - Only second right edge swipe reveal App switcher.
      - Every press and swipe, except right edge swipe, is transferred to the 
   3. Second right edge swipe. Result:  Reveal an application switcher that 
shows all your recent apps and lets you choose between them. As for standard 
(non full-screen) mode.

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  [Navigation] Launcher, Status bar and app switcher reveals too easy
  for Full Screen applications

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