Public bug reported: dpkg-awk has a two-letter short option -rs to set record separator, but /usr/share/awk/getlong.awk only allows one-letter short options as arguments to dpkg-awk. The equivalent long option --rec_sep works as advertised.
Attached diff enables two-letter short options for dpkg-awk. Besides -rs/--rec_sep, there is an undocumented option -of/--outform that also benefits from the patch. However, this option is of little use as all it does is suppress the output of fields not specified explicitly on command line (usually when negating the output fields). I.e. if dpkg-awk -- ^description will show all the records from /var/lib/dpkg/status omitting package descriptions then dpkg-awk -of=x --^description will show only empty lines, one for each record from /var/lib/dpkg/status ** Affects: dpkg-awk (Ubuntu) Importance: Undecided Status: New ** Affects: dpkg-awk (Debian) Importance: Unknown Status: Unknown ** Tags: bitesize patch ** Patch added: "Enable two-letter short options" ** Bug watch added: Debian Bug tracker #586040 ** Also affects: dpkg-awk (Debian) via Importance: Unknown Status: Unknown -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. Title: two-letter short option -rs doesn't work To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list