Hrm. Let me clarify the terminology a bit, then:

* dapper-backports: something that I as a dapper user assume is optional to 
subscribe to, and which if subscribed to, gives me new features, etc.
* dapper-security: something that I as a dapper user assume is effectively 
mandatory to subscribe to, and which if subscribed to, gives me *all necessary* 
security fixes.

If I understand these correctly, this hole requires that a fixed version
go in dapper-*security*; any upload of a new version to dapper-backports
is just a nicety and not mandatory.

So what I should be doing, if I understand the two channels correctly,
and if the bug is severe enough, is to add a dapper-security task to
this bug. Is that correct?

security hole in 2.0.2/2.0.3

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