After a bit more digging I discovered something interesting.  When
idling, the CPU has the full range of frequencies available to it, from
min to max.  But, when the load ramps up, the BIOS appears to step in
and limit the frequency, then ACPI throttling steps in.

I used a simple script (attached) to discover this.  Starting from an
idle, cool CPU the BIOS maximum frequency is at max.  A few seconds
later, the limit starts to drop.  A few seconds after bottoming out,
ACPI throttling begins to increase.  The full output I get is appended
to the (in comments, at the bottom).

It is also interesting to note that the CPU fan is always at max, even
when the CPU is idling.

** Attachment added: "a simple cpu test"

[maverick] CPU frequency does not scale up unless all cores are in use
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