I'm using two text files for my test.  One is a shell script (named
rsync_update) located in a read only public share and a plain text file
(named TACF_Notes.txt) in a writable "home" share.  File permissions are
as follows:

-rw-------  1 bshotts bshotts 303 Oct  1 09:11 /home/bshotts/TACF_Notes.txt
-rwxr--r--  1 root    root    490 Feb 12 18:31 

The smb.conf file on the server (a CentOS 4.4 system) contains the
following definitions for the forementioned shares:

        comment = Home Directories
        browseable = no
        writeable = yes

        comment = Install files
        path = /usr/local/share/ftp-install
        guest ok = yes

For reference, I popped in a Ubuntu 6.06 live CD and repeated the test.
6.06 is able to read (via nautilus) the plain text file but not the
shell script.

Also I am seeing the same behavior in Fedora 7 Test 3 ( installed on the
same machine as the Ubuntu 7.04 beta).  I recall that earlier in the
test cycle, this problem did not exist.  Further, my Fedora 5 system
(using KDE) has no problem with either file.

Hope this helps.

gedit unable to open files on samba shares (7.04 Beta)

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