Ok, the problem with the missing restricted modules was fixed over night
(german time). So I'm running a working and finished Edgy Eft Beta 3
system now.

All in all: The upgrade-tools worked like a charm. _VERY_ nice that
ya'll thought of us "kde-latest"-users. :)

Here now my list of things I noticed in the upgrade-tool yesterday:
Main Window:
- The scrollbar in the console is useless. I could scroll many hundred lines 
up, but any content, that didn't fit right into the window was removed
- Localising: Some strings where german, some english
- Whenever the installer needed to ask a question it just opened a (very small) 
window. Once or twice it just asked for input on the console. Maybe one should 
play a sound or just trigger the system-notification-sound/beeper whenever this 
- In the cleanup-stage there was:
-- No progressbar (or rather no progress in the visible progressbar
-- No console-output
-- at the end I got some dpkg-error without specific message. Everything seemed 
to work, though.

The Window for "Configuration File Change":
- Well, the title was not localized, as where some other strings.
- The window was opened with something like 100x100 pixel size. One couldn't 
even read the top-text easily.
- The Button "Show Difference" is useless, as the diff is shown anyway and the 
button has no effekt whatsoever.

SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy

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