About setting up a dialup modem on Ubuntu 6.10

I have installed Ubuntu (on an old machine, Pentium 3 with 256Mb ram)
and found that I couldn't connect using an external (serial) dialup
modem using the options described in the DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer
page. I am using a 3Com/US Robotics 56k professional message modem
(although I tried with another model as well). It was detected OK and I
tried both serial ports just in case.

I found that the $ sudo adduser USERNAME dip and dialout settings were already 
made and that the Networking section didn't work for me, so I tried the default 
settings in wvdialconf and still no 
luck. I moved on to the suggestions so that I could pon and poff; still no 
positive result. 

However, by following the advice to check man wvdial.conf, I used the settings 
suggested there and I could get the modem to connect satisfactorily using sudo 
wvdial, nothing else seemed to 

The suggestion of setting up Modem Lights was attractive, but I couldn't
find it amongst the options. When I right clicked on the top bar (as
advised) I found that there was a similar offering (Modem Monitor), but
that didn't work for me: I could set it in the top panel, but it didn't
allow me to click into a connection .... even the one as configured with
the man wvdial.conf settings (and now saved to wvdialconf).

So at present I can connect using wvdial (from a terminal window), but
only by replacing the default setting found there by those from man
wvdial.conf. Maybe you have tried this ?

At present I don't have a copy of Ubuntu 6.06, but if I can, I'll try
installing that and see if  the procedure given in
DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer is effective for my setup as I have heard
that this had no problems for serial modems.

cannot connect to internet via dialup

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