
but the following wiki doesn't refers to Edgy. So what do I do?

Second...in the Forum for beginners....if you follow usb thread you will find 20
ore more reference to usb mounting problem usually with laptops. What I can say
-the devices (key or HD) works in Dapper
-some devices works in Edgy when they are in linux format (these partitions are
recognized) so the usb connection works,
-some devices are detected but not mounted (frequent apparently),
-some devices are not recognized (led doesn't lit)

When posted in forums you get...no answers (usually) and sometimes

please check the USB thread, and you will see.

I am perfectly aware this is not enough to make a diagnosis...I agree that a
minimum of method is required...(with precise output) so I will try to follow
your wiki direction: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices

But, please, this seems to be a serious issue (maybe there is 10000 more serious
issues for you!)

Thanks for the reply anyway.....


Quoting Thomas Hotz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks for taking the time to report this bug. Unfortunately we can't
> fix it, because your description didn't include enough information.
> Please include the information requested from
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices as separate
> attachments.
> --
> Edgy problem with USB devices
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/89444

Edgy problem with USB devices

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