I'm also getting this error, when investigating the mount problem by
calling gnome-mount manually.

"Timeout for waiting for cleartext device... Exiting."

The mapper device is set up correctly by gnome-mount. As root, i am able
to mount the mapper device without any problems. However, gnome-mount
does not mount the filesystem.

I tried mounting the mapper device using gnome-mount... don't know if
that is supposed to work at all... nevertheless... here is the output
trying to mount /dev/mapper/luks.... using gnome-mount.

** (gnome-mount:7786): WARNING **: Given device '/dev/mapper
/luks_crypto_5ed4dcfd-85ac-4e33-a899-83f61162d26f' is not a volume or a

** Summary changed:

- Feisty Herd 4 does not mount encrypted partition 
+ Feisty does not mount encrypted partition

Feisty does not mount encrypted partition

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