So it looks like there are 3 changes necessary: 1) packaging changes to debian/rules and debian.install 2) libkarma0 & libkarma-dev packages 3) an OMFS package.
1 will be relatively easy, but 2 and 3 more difficult. As far as I'm aware, libkarma0 and libkarma-dev packages don't exist in either debian or ubuntu. See packages.{|} I think I've seen an OMFS package on debian, but that doesn't exist in ubuntu yet. So libkarma will need to be packaged, and then OMFS will probably need to be synced from debian. So new bugs need to be filed for parts 2 and 3. Please file those bugs, both against ubuntu, and subscribe the MOTU to those bugs and link them back to this bug - Hopefully someone in that team (MOTU does packaging work) will be able to get those packages together and get them into Ubuntu. I think it's cutting it close for feisty now, since feature freeze is already in place, but this should be doable for feisty+1. -- Please package Amarok Rio Karma support (--with-libkarma) -- kubuntu-bugs mailing list