APTonCD actualy creates the aptoncd/ directory inside any destination folder 
selected by user.(i.e.: if the user selects the destination as ~/ the 
application will create an aptoncd folder inside it ~/aptoncd/).
If APTonCD create, so APTonCD also can remove it. But often it can be confuse 
and annoying.
Wait for the fix.

** Summary changed:

- Nova imagem sobrescreve a anterior salva na mesma pasta
+ New image overwrites the previously saved  in the same folder

** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: aptoncd
- Nova imagem de CD gerada pelo programa sobrescreve a anterior salva na mesma 
pasta assumindo inclusive o emblema e notas. 
-  *  Os arquivos diferiam completamente em tamanho e conteúdo.
-  *  Mesmo com nome diferente a imagem iso anterior é sobrescrita.
+ New iso image generated by aptoncd overwrites the previously one in the same 
+  *  The files differs completly the size and content
+  * Also happens when the filename is different than the previously one.

** Changed in: aptoncd (Ubuntu)
     Assignee: (unassigned) => Rafael Proença
       Status: Unconfirmed => Confirmed

New image overwrites the previously saved  in the same folder

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