Ante Karamatić wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:16:10 -0000
> Walter Tautz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i.e, why does ubuntu disable snmp discovery?
> SNMP backend is nice feature and I guess it's usable to some users (that's
> why one can allways enable it). But, SNMP backend depends on printers
> configured to use unsecure "public" community name. And, AFAIK, search
> criteria can't be changed. So if one configures it's printer with different
> community name, that printer won't be accessible over SNMP backend.
> I op for it to stay disabled.

Well offering it as a choice is reasonable when running
dpkg-reconfigure. I believe
this is what Martin Pitt has said. If you think the approach is insecure
I'd suggest
posting a report to the cups mail list.

the snmp backend should be installed in /usr/lib/cups/backend

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