The 280 MB number was taken from the "Memory" column of the System Monitor

I have rebooted to find beagled using 35 megs at first. In the last hour of
normal system usage I've watched that number climb up to 84 megs. I am
keeping a close eye on the number now to see if I can determine what makes
it climb (Crawling, firefox or other plugin usage, etc.).

I will send more details as soon as I have collected additional relevant

On 2/23/07, Joe Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, where are you getting the 250 meg number from?  Is it the VSIZE or
> RSS column from top/ps or something else?
> --
> beagled uses >250 Megs RAM when Idle

beagled uses >250 Megs RAM when Idle

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