** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: ubiquity
  At line 991 in the ubiquity install.py will likely to make the installer
  crash, since the declaration of DebconfError is not defined. It's a
- #NameError and will likely to cause the crash on most hardware
- configurations. see (http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/syslog-powerpc)
+ #NameError and will likely to cause the crash on most hardware and
+ software configurations.
  I think the solutions are to change the DebconfError: to debconf.DebconfError:
  Here's the lines involving the NameError syntax.
               participate = self.db.get('popularity-contest/participate')
               self.set_debconf('popularity-contest/participate', participate)
  -        except DebconfError:
  +        except debconf.DebconfError:
           self.chrex('mount', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/proc')

Invalid declation of DebconfError in install.py will likely to crash Ubiquity 
in most hardware configurations.

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