
Trying to fix the world or are we trying to get a copy of Unix running?
Well I know a few good hackers and the answer is trying to fix the world
damned the rest they will be better for it. Sounds like Unix to me! Ha!

Having said that can we just put the world off for a bit I'm trying to
get my own little corner in order at the moment and dont quite have the
time to fix the world quite yet.. Perhaps if you fire a flare over the
portside and say that Ubuntu is switching to dash before you do. I
remember when the virus would not actually do anything to you it just
told you, bah yer broken. Companies don't understand the save the world
concept they do however understand the need fer speed n the need for
stability alla Unix. But as long as we are changing the world Unix is
going to be sitting on the back shelf teaching script kiddies the way!
At least give the script kiddie the right to know that he is being
messed up ahead of time, after all he is trying to find out what the
real world is, hes trying unix isnt he?

Script that are using bash could be broken with the new symlink

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