While it's not a "bug" in the classical sense, the developers and other
'gurus' there need to know that having to do a 140MB ADDITIONAL download
on EVERY "new" install (for the new O.O. version, security and library
updates, and any other additions since August, '06) both sucks YOUR
bandwidth, and ours, and, IMHO, also makes Ubuntu look pretty lame to a
total "noob"!

Why can't (at least) the updates be placed on a public server so they
can be downloaded ONCE and burned to a CD?  A must have on this,
however, is that some way to "automagically" install these to any
existing "virgin" Dapper (or Edgy as it may be) release must be provided
for foolproof use, AND FOR verification and validation of the updates!

Hypothetically speaking, on an "LTS" release, in 4 years from its
offering,  the updates may be  gigabyte or more, and even a T3 line
would "choke-n-puke" on that!

Please, quarterly, release a new, tested, and "approved" Ubuntu
"maintenance" ISO and make it clear that the prior ISO is now for
archive use only!


LiveCD 6.06.1 requires big download to update

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