It doesn't matter neither I use text-based installer or graphical of alternate distro (alternate feisty amd64)
"What changes did you make in the partitioner?" I don't do anything , because It's doesn't matter which type of partitioning I choose (for example, I chose manually partition and automatic with biggest unused continuing spase, the next screen is that I didn't chose root directory ("/" -this directory) and it is finish, in case I can't do next step) "Can you attach log files (/var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman) to this bug?" How can I attach, ifI can't get it, in case I can't install the system? If you say how, I can try. "were the partitions not visible / changes not applied ?" Yes, partitions were visible , but I can't do any changes. I just choose with wich partition I want work and next screen (red color) is that I didn't chose root directory. And after that I can't neither redo my "changes" (wich i couldn't do) or exit from instalation. -- partition the disk -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list