I tried the new kernel and it looks like the problem has been solved
because the seagate errata fix is now applied. See the attached dmesg
output. I haven't done a full benchmark but the CPU usage seems to be
less than it was in previous kernels and accessing the drive seems
faster although it still isn't as fast as in windows:

sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sdb
 Timing cached reads:   1074 MB in  2.00 seconds = 536.44 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:   72 MB in  3.02 seconds =  23.85 MB/sec

I have to note that I installed a new harddisk for my root partition (WD
on sda/ata1.00) since I reported the bug, and I now use the seagate as a
secondary drive but I don't think this influenced the bug since it was
about the mod15 workaround and I can access the drive fine now.

** Attachment added: "dmesg output"

Sata errors on sil3112 - kernel not booting

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