"but the old sounds were much more relaxing, professional"
"the previous sounds were really professional"

It seems over the Edgy cycle this term 'professional' was bandied around
as some catch phrase.  This is especially interesting when considering
the compositions of the various teams and the education / professional
background of the participants.

Once again, it seems the issue here is change.  I am quite certain that
if one were to conduct a poll, the sounds would attain an acceptable
level of approval.  I am quite certain that there are disagreements over
coding style, documentation grammar, etc., that are all as relevant --
but perhaps not quite as high profile.  We _are_ a team however, across
all of the various elements, and we need to support each other.

Ultimately, reversion is probably not the wisest choice -- as
progression would seem more appropriate.  Further still, until we
_concretely_ define Ubuntu creative design policy and treat it with the
same attention as we do with the technological aspects, we are doomed to
repeat the same mistakes.

Perhaps we should be discussing the mechanics of design that 'work' for
Ubuntu versus, such as useful terms as 'relaxing' etc.  This is all far
more critical towards building a comprehensive design philosophy as
opposed to dissecting the smallest of details regarding our current
evolutionary state.

Let's work towards the future, not mimicry of the past.  "Those were the
days" isn't a good enough excuse as, for us, _these_ are the days.

please revert startup sounds

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