Exact same problem here with the Asus M6n (M6000)

To get this bug back into rotation here are some more tests.
"tail -f messages" shows nothing when the combination is pressed.
Numlock or Capslock are not working
CD Drive can still opens (seems like the only thing that is still working) 
Unplugged power cable does do nothing (no systembeep, no dimmed LCD)
special buttons aswell all function key combinations ain't working (e.g. wifi 
key(normally LED switches on press, dim LCD, suspend).
No keycombination seems to work (like ctrl+alt+del for a long time).
All that reboots the system again is pressing the power button for a couple of 

This bug did not happened in Dapper only in Edgy (on this laptop)

Let me know if there is anything else to test

Asus laptop hangs on TFT/VGA video switch (Fn-F8)

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