I'm not a different Ubuntu machine now, and I don't see the problem,
either. What it was displaying on that machine was "\mathcal..." and a
whole bunch of other notation that was pretty obviously a mathematical
notation system rather like TeX or LaTeX. It was doing that for all of
the equations on the page.

Actually, looking at it now on this machine, I see that what I saw was
almost surely the ALT text for the equation graphic, so what was really
going on is that the PNG file was somehow blocked on that particular
machine and Firefox was just displaying the ALT text.

Now why Opera was able to get the PNG is kind of mysterious... Anyway,
right now it looks like one of those weird things. If it persists
tomorrow, then I'm going to be very suspicious, but I think it was just
a temporary weirdness, and I'm sorry to have troubled you--though I'm
very impressed by the speed of your responses.

Firefox equation rendering problem in Ubuntu Dapper Drake

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