I think I have the same problem with an SMC wirelss PCMCIA cart using
module atmel_cs.

I test the laptop and the card with the Breezy Live CD, and it worked

Then I installed Dapper and while the interface is showing in the
network manager, it seems not abble to connect.

I test an USB wireless adpatator and it is working fine.

By the way, I found a scenare to make my PCMCIA working with Dapper.
Here it is:
-Plug the PCMICA wireless card and the USB wireless adaptator
-Configure everything as it should be in the network manager
-Remove the PCMCIA card
-In terminal do: sudo modprob -r atmel_cs
-Plug the PCMCIA card
-In terminal do: sudo modprob atmel_cs
-Remove the USB adaptator

Then the PCMCIA continues to work fine.

I have tried the same scenario without the USB adpator part, but it is not 

[dapper regression] orinoco_cs PCMCIA wireless card no longer hotplugs with 
Thinkpad T22

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