** Attachment added: "kickstart config"

** Description changed:

- when I try to install using my kickstart file the partition information seems 
to be incompletely parsed in regard to swap partitions.
+ when I try to install dapper using my kickstart file the partition 
information seems to be incompletely parsed in regard to swap partitions.
  The relevant snippet fromn the ks config file is:
  #partition types top be cleared
  clearpart --all --drives sda
  #Disk partitioning information
  part / --fstype ext3 --size 8000
  part    swap    --size 512
  This results in a 8GB and 2GB Partition both of type Linux/83 but no swap 
partition and a question from partman if I really want to configure my system 
without swap.
  This breaks my hands-free installation and has forced me to install 
FedoraCore for a user that really wanted to have Dapper on his laptop 8-(

swap stanza is ignored

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