[CFP] CHIL 2023 Call for Papers - Conference on Health, Inference and Learning 
(Cambridge, MA, June 22-24 2023)

We invite you to submit your work to the Conference on Health, Inference, and 
Learning (CHIL 2023), which solicits work across a variety of disciplines, 
including machine learning, statistics, epidemiology, health policy, 
operations, and economics. CHIL 2023 invites submissions on all topics at the 
intersection of machine learning and health. Authors are invited to submit 8-10 
page papers (with unlimited pages for references) to each of the tracks 
described below.

Link to call for papers: https://www.chilconference.org/call-for-papers.html 

Important Dates
Submissions due – February 3, 2023 (11:59 pm AoE)
Author Notification – April  3, 2023
Conference Dates – June 22-24, 2023

=== Tracks and topics ===
Track 1: Models and Methods: Algorithms, Inference, and Estimation
Track 2: Applications and Practice: Investigation, Evaluation, Interpretation, 
and Deployment
Track 3: Impact and Society: Policy, Public Health, Social Outcomes, and 

Topics for each track include but are not restricted to the following.

Track 1 (Models and Methods):
(Un)supervised learning, representation learning
Natural language processing, knowledge graphs
Computer vision
Survival analysis
Deep learning architectures
Transfer learning, domain adaptation
Bayesian learning, inference
Structured learning
Robust learning
Causal inference

Track 2 (Applications and Practice):
Examination of robustness of ML systems to real-world dataset or adversarial 
Scalable, safe machine learning/inference in clinical environments
New tools or comprehensive benchmarks for machine learning for healthcare
Development of scalable systems for processing data in practice (demonstrating, 
e.g., concern for multi-modality, runtime, robustness, etc., as guided by a 
clinical use case)
Bridging the deployment gap
Remote, wearable, and telehealth
Data or software packages

Track 3 (Impact and Society):
Fairness, equity, ethics and justice  
Model implementation, deployment, and adoption
Policy, public health, and societal impact of algorithms
Regulatory frameworks
Tools for adoption of ML
Evaluation of bias in legal and/or health contexts 
Human-algorithm interaction

For more detail on the scope of each track, please see our online call for 
papers:  https://www.chilconference.org/call-for-papers.html 
If you are not sure which track your submission fits under, please reach out to 
i...@chilconference.org <mailto:i...@chilconference.org> for advice.

=== Submission Details and Guidelines ===
For full details, refer to the online call for papers: 
Submissions should be made via OpenReview. A submission link will be posted 
about a month prior to the deadline. 

Length and Formatting
Submitted papers must be 8-10 pages (including all figures and tables), plus 
unlimited pages for references. Additional supplementary materials (e.g., 
appendices) are welcomed alongside the main manuscript. Reviewers will not be 
required to read the supplementary materials. For additional details and LaTeX 
template, refer to the Author Instructions 

Archival Submissions
Submissions to the main conference are considered archival and will appear in 
the published proceedings of the conference if accepted. Author notification of 
acceptance will be provided towards April 2023.
Peer Review
The review process is mutually anonymous. Please submit completely anonymized 
drafts. Please do not include any identifying information, and refrain from 
citing the authors’ own prior work in anything other than third-person. 
Violations to this policy may result in rejection without review.Conference 
organizers and reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality of submitted 
material. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of papers will 
be released prior to the conference.
You may not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to 
versions that are currently under review, previously published, or accepted for 
publication  at another conference or journal. Submissions to the main 
conference are considered archival and will appear in the published conference 
proceedings if accepted.
An exception to this rule is extensions of workshop papers that have previously 
appeared in non-archival venues, such as workshops, arXiv, or similar without 
formal proceedings. These works may be submitted as-is or in an extended form. 
CHIL also welcomes full paper submissions that extend previously published 
short papers or abstracts, so long as the previously published version does not 
exceed 4 pages in length. Note that the submission should not cite the 
workshop/report and preserve anonymity in the submitted manuscript.
=== AHLI CHIL 2023 Organizers ===
General Chairs - Dr. Joyce Ho and Dr. Andrew Beam
Program Chairs - Dr. Matthew McDermott and Dr. Emily Alsentzer
Track 1 Chairs - Dr. Michael Hughes (Lead), Dr. Yuyin Zhao, Dr. Rahul Krishnan, 
Dr. Jean Feng, Dr. Samantha Kleinberg, Dr. Elena Sizikova (Tracks 1 & 2)
Track 2 Chairs - Dr. Lifang He (Lead), Dr. Tom Pollard, Dr. Carl Yang, Dr. Yu 
Track 3 Chairs - Dr. Sanja Šćepanović (Lead), Dr. Stephen Pfohl, Dr. Dimitris 
Proceedings Chair - Dr. Bobak Mortazavi
Technology Chairs - Dr. Huan He, Dr. Jiayu Yao
Virtual Chair - Brian Gow
Communications Chairs - Dr. Ioakeim Perros, Anil Palepu
Logistics Chairs - Monica Munnangi, Tasmie Sarker
Unconference Chair - Dr. Jessica Gronsbell, Dr. Rui Duan
Finance Chairs - Dr. Edward Choi, Harvineet Singh
Doctoral Symposium Chair - Dr. Tom Hartvigsen

For questions/comments, email us at i...@chilconference.org.

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