SMARTCOMP 2023 -- Call for Workshops Proposal
June 26-30, 2023, Nashville, Tennessee

SMARTCOMP 2023 is the 9th edition of the premier conference on Smart Computing 
and will be
held in Nashville, Tennessee, hosted by Vanderbilt University, hopefully as a 
fully in
presence event.

Smart Computing is a multidisciplinary domain based on the synergistic 
influence of
advances in sensor-based technologies, Internet of Things, cyber-physical 
edge computing, big data analytics, machine learning, cognitive computing, and
artificial intelligence. Applications of smart computing can be found in 
societal domains including, but not limited to, transportation, energy, 
environmental protection,
smart and connected communities, healthcare, banking, industrial systems, 
entertainment, and social media.
SMARTCOMP 2023 will provide an international technical forum for experts from 
and academia to exchange ideas and present results of on-going research in most
state-of-the-art areas of computing, sensing, and communications in 
application domains.

The Workshops co-chairs of SMARTCOMP 2023 invite proposals for half or full day 
affiliated with the conference, held in Nashville, Tennessee during June 26-30, 
The purpose of the workshops is to stimulate discussions on state-of-the-art, 
visionary, and also controversial topics in the area of Smart Computing, and to 
create new
opportunities for attendees' interactions in a less formal and more sharply 
focused context
than at the conference itself. Therefore, workshops should be organized to 
promote lively
interactions, and appropriate plans should be described in the written workshop 
Papers presented in the SMARTCOMP 2023 workshops will be included in the 
conference proceedings
and in IEEE Xplore.

The organizers of the accepted workshops are required to publicize the workshop 
disseminating the call for papers, soliciting submissions, organizing the 
review process,
and deciding upon the final workshop program. At least one organizer should be 
present at the workshop in the case of SMARTCOMP will take place at least 
partially in
presence and there will be no travel restrictions due to the pandemic situation.

Each workshop proposal must include the following:
   * the title and acronym of the workshop;
   * the names, addresses, and short bios of up to 200 words for each organizer;
     workshops may have up to three organizers. It is strongly recommended that 
     belong to at least two different institutions.
   * A brief description (up to 2 page) including:
     o the technical issues that the workshop will address,
     o the reasons the workshop is of interest to the SMARTCOMP community,
     o a short discussion on other available workshops and conferences on 
similar topics
       and an outline of why the proposed workshop is unique;
     o a description of the communities groups the workshop aims to attract,
     o the names of potential Program Committee members;
     o the planned format of the workshop (e.g., keynotes, paper presentations, 
posters, demos)
       and duration (e.g., one-day, half-day), including a strategy to 
facilitate lively
       discussions and involvement of the attendees - possibly in an online or 
hybrid format;
     o if applicable, a description of past versions of the workshop, including 
       organizers, number of submitted and accepted papers, and number of 
     o if the workshop is going to be organized for the first time, an estimate 
of the expected
       number of submissions and attendees;
     o a tentative Call for Papers (as complete as possible);
     o a description of the plans for publicity and workshop Website.

Workshop proposals should be submitted, no later than November 15, 2022, in PDF 
format by email to 
with the subject line "SMARTCOMP 2023 Workshop Proposal" .


Franca Delmastro, IIT-CNR, Italy
Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan


Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering Vice Chair
Director of Recruiting and Admissions

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, 87131
Office: 326B
Tel.: (505)-277-5501
Email: eir...@unm.edu<mailto:eir...@unm.edu>
Website: PROTON Lab<http://ece-research.unm.edu/tsiropoulou/index.html>
PROTON Lab's News: @Tsiropoulou_EE<https://twitter.com/Tsiropoulou_EE>

"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach." ~ Aristotle

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