The RobotiXX lab at the Department of Computer Science, George Mason University 
in the Washington, D.C. area (, is looking for 
self-motivated Ph.D. students in the area of robotics starting Fall 2023. The 
candidate will be supported with full tuition and stipends.
At RobotiXX lab, we perform robotics research at the intersection of motion 
planning and machine learning, with a specific focus on deployable field 
robotics. Any candidate with relevant experience in robotics, motion planning, 
and machine learning is encouraged to apply. Hands-on knowledge in robotics 
hardware, field experience, and a good publication record is strongly preferred.
The selected candidates will conduct independent research to develop highly 
capable and intelligent mobile robots that are robustly deployable in the real 
world with minimal human supervision, and publish papers in top-tier robotics 
conferences and journals. To apply, please visit George Mason University's 
admission website ( and send a single PDF 
of the following documents to Dr. Xuesu Xiao, Assistant Professor 
( 1. cover letter, 2. curriculum vitae, 3. transcript, 4. three 
references, 5. relevant publications, 6. other relevant materials, with the 
subject line “[jobs] YOUR AFFILIATION - YOUR NAME”.
For more information, please see the lab’s website 
(, research statement 
(, and 
YouTube Channel 
Xuesu Xiao

Xuesu Xiao, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
George Mason University
Everyday Robots
Research Affiliate
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin

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