Dear colleagues, We would like to draw your attention and invite you to contribute to our IROS2021 workshop “Cognitive and Social Aspects of Human Multi-Robots Interaction”, submission due on Sep 12th, 2021.
Workshop official website: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cognitive and Social Aspects of Human Multi-Robot Interaction - Workshop date: September, 27th , 2021 - Submission Deadline: September 12th, 2021 - Submission to Email:<> - Submission contents: Short abstract 1-4 pages; full length paper 6 pages; previously-published papers are also encouraged to submit. Motivation The last 30 years have witnessed significant progress in robot swarms and multi-robot systems (MRS). These systems incorporate multiple robots, possibly with diverse perceiving and executing capabilities, which are put together in collaborative settings to achieve a common goal. Swarm and MRS have been used to serve a variety of real-life applications such as victim rescue, reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and multiple ground target tracking. These tasks cannot be executed by single-robot systems due to requirements for diverse specialization, spatial distribution, or temporal requirements imposing the need for parallelization. Despite the great potential and unique qualities these systems have, they lack human-like intelligence that enables them to work under full autonomy. As such, the human element must be involved due to its so far unmatched cognitive abilities which enable a human to ensure the alignment between system operations and mission objective, set priorities, detect failures, and intervene to fix errors. In the foreseeable future, when robot capabilities advance, it is expected that humans will still take part in these systems due to ethical and accountability considerations. However, due to the multi-agent characteristics bringing in accumulated uncertainty and increased complexity, it is challenging to establish effective collaboration between humans and robots. First, a human has limited cognitive resources, making it difficult to simultaneously supervise multiple robots, respond to their requests, and identify their faults. Second, human users vary in their ability to assess team performance and detect behavior abnormality. In this workshop, the objective is to explore the cognitive and social aspects in human multi-robot system (MRS) interaction. Our intent is to take inspiration and learn from the broad base of researchers in the following area: Topics of Interest • Trust measurement, modeling, and maintenance • Safety in MRS and human-swarm interaction • Distributed cognition (or distributed cognitive systems) • Human cognitive load measurement • Transparency and explanation in MRS • Modelling and analysis human-swarm interaction • Social acceptance, norms, and ethical issues in human environments • Autonomy dependency • Cognitive Control for heteregenous teaming. • Shared decision making in multi-robot multi-human interaction • Datasets and simulator kits • New applications related to intuitive human-MRS/swarm interaction • Self-learning and healing in Human MRS/swarm interaction\ Invited Speakers • Katia Sycara, Professor, AAAI/IEEE Fellow, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA • Guang-zhong Yang, Professor, IEEE Fellow, Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, Editor in Chief of Science Robotics • Michael Lewis, Professor, School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh, USA • Hussein Abbass, Professor, IEEE Fellow, School of Engineering & IT, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence • Maria Gini, Professor, AAAI/ACM//IEEE Fellow, College of Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA • Lorenzo Sabattini, Associate Professor ,University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, France, Editor in Chief of IEEE ICRA2021 • Joseph Lyons, Senior Research Scientist, US Air Force Research Lab, USA • Wei Dong, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China • Wilko Schwarting, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA • Sylvia Herbert, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego, USA Call for contributions We invite interested participants to submit short papers 1-4 pages and previously published papers for the contribution talks of 10 minutes. Please send your abstract to<> relevant to interested topics. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the organizers via emails. Important dates - Paper Submission Deadline:September, 12th - Acceptance Notification: September, 15th Organizers - Rui Liu, Ph.D. (<>), Assistant Professor, Cognitive Robotics and AI (CRAI) lab, College of Aeronautics and Engineering (CAE), Kent State University, Ohio USA. - Wenhao Luo, Ph.D., (<>), Ph.D., the Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA; Assistant Professor, EECS, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. - Jianjun Meng, Ph.D., (<>), Associate Professor, Institute of Robotics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai China - Changjoo Nam, Ph.D., (<>), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Inha University, Korea - Aya Hussein, Ph.D., (<>), Research Associate, School of Engineering & IT, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia - Alyssa Pierson, Ph.D., (<>), Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Boston University, Boston, USA Thanks! --------------------------------------------- Rui Liu Ph.D., Assistant Professor Cognitive Robotics and AI Lab (CRAI) Lab Page: College of Aeronautics and Engineering (CAE) Kent State University Office: ATB 220U. Phone: 330-672-2903. Lab: AEB 225. 1400 Lester A Lefton Esplanade, Kent Ohio 44243, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Associate Editor: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Associate Editor: IEEE RO-MAN 2021
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