Dear colleagues and students, The IDLab research group of the University of Antwerp and imec, has several interesting open positions. We're looking both for enthusiastic PhD students and senior post-doctoral researchers. More specifically, we have the following open positions
PhD Students * PhD Vacancy in Artificial Intelligence for Graph Evolution Prediction: working on GNNs and its application to process control in domains such as chemical engineering, water treatment and HVAC. * PhD Vacancy on Next Generation AI for Perception and Cognition: working on next generation neural network architectures such as spiking neural networks and hyperdimensional computing * PhD Vacancy in Artificial Intelligence for an Automated Lab: automating process control systems in the pharmaceutical sector Senior researchers * Senior Researcher on Causal Artificial Intelligence: leading a small team of PhD students working on topics such as causal machine learning and relational learning * Artificial Intelligence Project Manager: translating machine learning research to applied projects in collaboration with industry. All these positions can be found at Feel free to forward this mail to anyone that comes to mind. Thanks in advance, Steven Latre<> -- prof. dr. Steven Latré Director at IDlab, University of Antwerp, in collaboration with imec<> The Beacon I Sint-Pietersvliet 7 I 2000 Antwerpen I Belgium T: +32 3 265 34 47 W:<>|<> |<> T: @IDLabResearch<> [] [] []
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