3rd Call for Participation Abusive and Threatening Language Detection Task for Tweets in Urdu
CICLing 2021 track @ FIRE 2021* co-hosted with ODS SoC 2021** URL: https://www.urduthreat2021.cicling.org/home The training and test sets will be available on July 27, 2021. Participants are invited to publish Working Notes of FIRE 2021* Please visit the website for more information. Task Description With the growth of spread and importance of social media platforms, the effect of their misuse became more and more impactful. In particular, numerous posts contain abusive language towards certain users and hence worsen users’ experience from communication via such platforms, while other posts contain actual threats that potentially put platform users in danger. The threat is an expression of a clear intent to cause bodily or other harm. For example, "shut your mouth, or you will see red." In this context, the word "red" might be perceived as a threat to cause injury to someone or, in the worst-case scenario, bloodshed/killing. Therefore, such references might be considered a vile aspersion. Impacts of abusive language are as well detrimental, ranging from short-term emotional reactions (anger, fear, self-blame) to long-term psychological effects (low self-esteem, depression) and even causing mental and physical health issues (sleep disorder, headache, eating disorder). The Urdu language has more than 230 million speakers worldwide with vast representation on social networks and digital media. Therefore, it is essential to propose methods that can automatically detect threatening and abusive language to avoid violence and outrageous consequences. To our best knowledge, this is the first shared task on abusive and threatening language detection in Urdu. The task is divided into two sub-tasks: 1. Threat Detection for Tweets in Urdu Language 2. Abusive Language Detection for Tweets in Urdu Language Note Participants in this year’s shared task can choose to participate in either one or both subtasks. Important Dates July 27 – training and public test data release; submission platform opens August 27 - competition submission deadline August 28 - results announced (for private test set) September 3-5 - presentations at ODS Summer of Code 2021 festival [optional] October 12 - technical report submission for publication in Working Notes FIRE 2021 October 26 - review notifications November 2 – Camera Ready Due 16-20 December - FIRE 2021 (Online Event) Organizers Sabur Butt, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico Maaz Amjad, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico Hamza Imam Amjad, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Grigori Sidorov, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico Alisa Zhila, Independent Researcher, USA Alexander Gelbukh, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico Oxana Vitman, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico Ulyana Astanina, Open Data Science (ODS), Russia Alexey Natekin, Open Data Science (ODS), Russia Contact maazam...@phystech.edu oksana.vittm...@gmail.com *FIRE 2021: http://fire.irsi.res.in/fire/2021/call_for_papers **ODS SoC 2021: https://ods.ai/competitions, task URL available Monday 12, 2021
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