[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Submission]

Call for Posters & Workshop Papers - IEEE MSN 2021

The 17th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN

December 13-15, 2021, Exeter, UK


The 17th MSN conference will include poster session and five Workshops.
Welcome to submit your papers to the following poster track and workshops.

1.     Poster Track

Submission Due: September 22, 2021


Technical posters showing/presenting innovative and original research are
solicited. In general IEEE MSN is interested in posters of technology that
validate important research issues or showcase realistic applications in
the following topics of interest (but not limited to): Algorithms, Theory,
and Protocols, Systems & Tools, Experiments & Applications, Mobile &
Wireless Networks, Edge and Fog Computing Network, Security, Privacy,
Trust, and Blockchain, Big Data and AI in Networking, Wireless and
Ubiquitous Sensing.

2.     Workshop on Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things (UEIoT)

Submission Due: September 17, 2021


This workshop focuses on an emerging and impactful topic, edge information
technology and intelligent technology such as Ubiquitous Electric Internet
of Things (UEIoT), to provide sufficient and effective information and data
to support.

3.     Workshop on Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence based
Sensor-Cloud System (ECAISS) Submission Due: September 17, 2021


This workshop serves as a forum to discuss the original research work,
findings, and experiences on the innovations on edge computing, sensor, and
cloud system.

4.     Workshop on Network Meets Intelligent Computations (NMIC)

Submission Due: September 17, 2021

The goal of the workshop is devoted to the most recent developments of the
combination of computations with networking for IoT intelligent,
trustworthy, and efficient.

5.     Workshop on Intelligent Data Collection in Cyber-Physical Systems

Submission Due: September: 17, 2021


The workshop provides a forum for academic researchers and industry
practitioners to exchange the most recent progress in intelligent data
collection methods and applications in this field.

6.     Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Internet of
Things (AI2OT)

Submission Due: September 17, 2021


The workshop solicits submissions from areas relating to applications of
artificial intelligence algorithms/approaches to solve problems in IoT
area, including AI-driven IoT applications and solutions for all related

Workshop and poster submissions should be made using this link:

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