Dear Colleagues, UPDATES:
The deadline is extended to August 13, 2021. AI-HRI is pursuing a journal special issue for publication of accepted papers. Further details to follow. We have confirmed several speakers! We will have invited talks from Sonia Chernova and Justin Hart. We will also have a panel discussion with Matthew Gombolay, Tom Williams, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Dan Grollman, Kalesha Bullard, and Richard Freeman, moderated by Ross Mead. CALL FOR PAPERS: The seventh annual AAAI Fall Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI) will take place on November 4-6, 2021, in Washington D.C., USA, and is now open for paper submissions as indicated below. For more information and updates, please visit the symposium website at IMPORTANT DATES: • SUBMISSION: August 13, 2021 • NOTIFICATION: September 6, 2021 • REGISTRATION: October 15, 2021 • SYMPOSIUM: November 4-6, 2021 OVERVIEW: The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Symposium has been a successful venue of discussion and collaboration since 2014. During that time, these symposia provided a fertile ground for numerous collaborations and pioneered many discussions revolving around trust in HRI, XAI for HRI, service robots, interactive learning, and more. This year, we aim to review the achievements of the AI-HRI community in the last decade, identify the challenges facing ahead, and welcome new researchers who wish to take part in this growing community. Taking this wide perspective, this year there will be no single theme to lead the symposium and we encourage AI-HRI submissions from across disciplines and research interests. Moreover, with the rising interest in AR and VR as part of an interaction and following the difficulties in running physical experiments during the pandemic, this year we specifically encourage researchers to submit works that do not include a physical robot in their evaluation, but promote HRI research in general. In addition, acknowledging that ethics is an inherent part of the human-robot interaction, we encourage submissions of works on ethics for HRI. Over the course of the three-day meeting, we will host a collaborative forum for discussion of current efforts in AI-HRI, with additional talks focused on the topics of ethics in HRI and ubiquitous HRI. TOPICS: - Ubiquitous HRI, including AR and VR - Ethics in HRI - Trust and Explainability in HRI - Architectures and systems supporting autonomous HRI - Interactive task learning - Interactive dialog systems and natural language - Field studies, experimental, and empirical HRI - Tools for autonomous HRI - Robot planning and decision-making - AI for social robots - Fielding and deployment, and experimentation for autonomous robots - Knowledge representation and reasoning to support HRI and robot tasking - ...and many other topics relevant to the application of Artificial Intelligence to Human-Robot Interaction! In addition to oral and poster presentations of accepted papers, the symposium will include panel discussions, demonstration sessions, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions. • SPEAKERS: Invited speakers will be chosen to represent different communities within the AI-HRI area, including AAAI, HRI, ICRA, IROS, and RSS. Invited talks this year are aimed to incite discussions about how best to pursue, develop, and motivate AI-centric HRI research in ways that are relatable and sufficiently well-framed for presentation at an AI-focused venue like AAAI. NETWORKING: A large part of this effort this year is to bring together a community of researchers, strengthen old connections, and build new ones. Ample time will be provided for networking and more informal discussions. PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION: All accepted papers will be presented orally and published in the proceedings through ArXiv. Authors will be notified as to whether they have been assigned a “full-length” or “lightning” presentation slot. Authors assigned to full-length talks will be invited to help moderate breakout sessions. Authors assigned to lightning talks will be invited to participate in a poster session. Authors of tool papers will be invited to present their work in a demo session. Accepted papers will additionally be eligible for a special journal issue, potentially in an expanded form. Details will be provided to accepted authors closer to the symposium date. SUBMISSIONS: Submission should be made via the Fall Symposium Series easychair. Please make sure to choose Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction as the submission’s track: Authors may submit under one of these paper categories: • FULL PAPERS (6-8 pages) highlighting state-of-the-art HRI-oriented research, HRI research focusing on the use of AR/VR in autonomous AI systems, the role of ethics in commercial HRI products, among other related topics. • SHORT POSITION PAPERS (2-4 pages) outlining new or controversial views on AI-HRI research or describing ongoing AI-oriented HRI research. • TOOL PAPERS (2-4 pages) describing novel software, hardware, or datasets of interest to the AI-HRI community. In addition, philosophy and social science researchers are encouraged to submit short papers suggesting AI advances that would facilitate the design, implementation, or analysis of HRI studies. Industry professionals are encouraged to submit short papers suggesting AI advances that would facilitate the development, enhancement, or deployment of HRI technologies in the real world. Please see the AAAI Author Kit <>( for paper templates to ensure that your submission has the proper formatting. Contributions may be submitted here: Please contact us if you require additional time to submit your contribution or have any questions. Kind regards, The AI-HRI 2021 program chairs, - Reuth Mirsky (University of Texas, Austin), - Megan L. Zimmerman (National Institute of Standards and Technology), - Shelly Bagchi (National Institute of Standards and Technology), - Jason R. Wilson (Franklin & Marshall College), - Muneeb I. Ahmad (Heriot-Watt University), - Felix Gervits (US Army Research Lab), - Zhao Han (UMass Lowell), - Justin W. Hart (University of Texas Austin), - Daniel Hernandez Garcia (Heriot-Watt University), - Matteo Leonetti (University of Leeds), - Ross Mead (Semio), - Emmanuel Senft (University of Wisconsin, Madison), - Jivko Sinapov (Tufts University)
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