CFP: Workshop on Recommender Systems in Fashion & 

In conjunction with ACM RecSys 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27th September-1st 
October 2021

Online Fashion retailers have significantly increased in popularity over the 
last decade, making it possible for customers to explore hundreds of thousands 
of products without the need to visit multiple stores or stand in long queues 
for checkout. However, the customers still face several hurdles with current 
online shopping solutions. For example, customers often feel overwhelmed with 
the large selection of the assortment and brands. In addition, there is still a 
lack of effective suggestions capable of satisfying customers’ style 
preferences, or size and fit needs, necessary to enable them in their 
decision-making process.  In this context, recommender systems are very well 
positioned to play a crucial role in creating a great customer experience in 
fashion. Moreover, in recent years social shopping in fashion has surfaced, 
thanks to platforms such as Instagram, providing a very interesting opportunity 
that allows to explore fashion in radically new ways. Such recent developments 
provide exciting challenges for the Recommender Systems and Machine Learning 
research communities.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the 
fashion, recommendations and machine learning domains to discuss open problems 
in the aforementioned areas. This involves addressing interdisciplinary 
problems with all of the challenges it entails. Within this workshop we aim to 
start the conversation among professionals in the fashion and e-commerce 
industries and recommender systems scientists, and create a new space for 
collaboration between these communities necessary for tackling these deep 
problems. To provide rich opportunities to share opinions and experience in 
such an emerging field, we will accept paper submissions on established and 
novel ideas, as well as new interactive participation formats.

Suggested topics for submissions are (but not limited to):

  *   Computer vision in Fashion (image classification, semantic segmentation, 
object detection)
  *   Deep learning in recommendation systems for Fashion
  *   Learning and application of fashion style (personalized style, implicit 
and explicit preferences, budget, social behaviour, etc)
  *   Size and Fit recommendations through mining customers implicit and 
explicit size and fit preferences
  *   Modelling articles and brands size and fit similarity
  *   Usage of ontologies and article metadata in fashion and retail (NLP, 
social mining, search)
  *   Addressing cold-start problem both for items and users in fashion 
  *   Knowledge transfer in multi-domain fashion recommendation systems
  *   Hybrid recommendations on customers’ history and on-line behavior
  *   Multi- or Cross- domain recommendations (social media and online shops)
  *   Privacy preserving techniques for customer’s preferences tracing
  *   Understanding social and psychological factors and impacts of influence 
on users’ fashion choices (such as Instagram, influencers, etc.)

In order to encourage the reproducibility of research work presented in the 
workshop, we put together a list of open datasets in the fashionXrecsys 
website<>. All submissions 
present work evaluated in at least one of the described open datasets will be 
considered for the best paper, best student paper and best demo awards, which 
will be given by our sponsors.


This year we will continue to offer mentorship opportunities to students who 
would like to get initial feedback on their work by industry colleagues. We aim 
to increase the chances of innovative student’s work being published, as well 
as to foster an early exchange across academia and industry. As a mentee, you 
should expect at least one round of review of your work p r to the submission 
deadline. If your work is accepted, you should also expect at least one 
feedback session regarding your demo, poster or oral presentation.

If you want to participate in the mentorship program, please get in touch via 

Important Dates

  *   Mentorship deadline: June 11th, 2021
  *   Submission deadline: July 30th, 2021
  *   Author notification: August 23st, 2021
  *   Camera-ready version: September 6th 2021

Paper Submission Instructions

  *   All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically via EasyChair 
at the following address:
  *   Submissions should be prepared according to the  single-column ACM RecSys 
format<>. Long papers should report on 
substantial contributions of lasting value. The maximum length is 14 pages 
(excluding references) in the new single-column format. For short papers, the 
maximum length is 7 pages (excluding references) in the new single-column 
  *   The peer review process is double-blind (i.e. anonymised). This means 
that all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or 
their organisation. Specifically, do not include the authors’ names and 
affiliations, anonymise citations to your previous work and avoid providing any 
other information that would allow to identify the authors, such as 
acknowledgments and funding. However, it is acceptable to explicitly refer in 
the paper to the companies or organizations that provided datasets, hosted 
experiments or deployed solutions, if specifically necessary for understanding 
the work described in the paper.
  *   Submitted work should be original. However, technical reports or ArXiv 
disclosure prior to or simultaneous with the workshop submission, is allowed, 
provided they are not peer-reviewed. The organizers also encourage authors to 
make their code and datasets publicly available.
  *   Accepted contributions are given either an oral or poster presentation 
slot at the workshop. At least one author of every accepted contribution must 
be registered and attend the workshop to present their work, either in-person 
or virtually. Please contact the workshop organization if none of the authors 
will be able to attend.
  *   All accepted papers will be available through the program website. 
Moreover, the workshop papers will be published in a Springer special issue.

Additional Submission Instructions for Demos

Submissions for extended abstract of demos should be prepared according to the 
standard double-column ACM SIG proceedings format as described in the RecSys 
2021 Demos Call for 
Contributions<>. The 
submission should include:

  *   An overview of the algorithm or system that is the core of the demo, 
including citations to any publications that support the work..
  *   A discussion of the purpose and the novelty of the demo.
  *   A link to a narrated screen capture of your system in action, ideally a 
video. The maximum duration of screen capture is 10 minutes. (This section will 
be removed for the camera-ready version of accepted contributions but might be 
included in the virtual platform used to host the online part of the workshop.)
  *   A link to a narrated screen capture of your system in action, ideally a 
video (This section will be removed for the camera-ready version of accepted 
  *   We also highly encourage any external material related to the demo (e.g., 
shared code on GitHub). Please, provide a link to the shared code in the 
extended abstract accompanying the demo.

For any inquiries and questions, please contact us:<>

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