*********** ACSOS 2021 WORKSHOPS - CFP ************
* 2nd IEEE International Conference on *
* Autonomic Computing & Self-Organizing Systems *
* *
* 27 September -- 1 October 2021 *
* Washington, DC, USA *
* *
* http://2021.acsos.org/ *
* https://twitter.com/ACSOSconf *
* *
The ACSOS will be accompanied by a diverse set of workshops.
Workshops will take place before and after the conference.
ACSOS features the following Workshops.
* Autonomic Management of high-performance Grid and Cloud Computing (AMGCC)
Paper submission deadline: June 30, 2021
* Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (eCAS)
Paper submission deadline: July 09, 2021
* Self-Aware Computing (SeAC)
Paper submission deadline: July 09, 2021
* Self-Improving Systems Integration (SISSY)
Paper submission deadline: June 14th, 2021
* Self-Organised Construction (SOCO)
Paper submission deadline: June 20, 2021
* Self-Protecting Systems (SPS)
Paper submission deadline: June 14th, 2021
* Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing for self-organizing systems:
software engineering challenges
Paper submission deadline: June 15th, 2021
### Autonomic Management of high-performance Grid and Cloud Computing
- <http://htcaas.kisti.re.kr/wiki/index.php/AMGCC21>
- Paper submission deadline: June 30, 2021
Grid computing leverages enormous computing resources scattered over
the internet in order to integrate and form a large-scale computing
platform to solve grand-scale problems. Grid computing also has had
great influence on the cloud computing besides the virtualization
technology which logically decouples the physical computing resources
with the computing system. Consequently, the cloud computing provides
cost-effective, fast, and unlimited virtualized resources for
large-scale applications.
Cloud computing is also used as “utility computing” where the computing
are provided on-demand and as needs based.
Thus, it is commonly deployed for various applications these days.
Managing hybrid, virtualized computing resources in a large-scale
cloud computing environment, however, still leaves a lot of research
to be conducted. Furthermore, autonomous managements of resources
in such a large-scale federated hybrid computing infrastructure
are crucial. In this workshop, we would like to bring researchers
around the world to discuss and communicate the challenges and
research results in the design, implementation, and evaluation
of novel autonomous hybrid cloud resource management systems,
and the theory and practice of cloud and grid resource management.
### Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (eCAS)
- <http://ecas2021.apice.unibo.it/>
- Paper submission deadline: July 09, 2021
The eCAS’21 workshop focusses on the various aspects of the
engineering of collective adaptive systems, including
principles, theories, languages, methodologies, tools, and applications.
It especially welcomes contributions related adaptive
multi-agent systems, coordination of ensembles, collective intelligence
and decision-making, cooperative problem-solving. Inter-disciplinary
works are also encouraged. In general, we seek contributions with
as well as practical or theoretical studies supporting the development
of collective systems (e.g., crowds of augment people, swarms of robots,
or computational ecosystems) across the various (software-)engineering
phases (from analysis to deployment).
### Self-Aware Computing (SeAC)
- <http://seac2021.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/>
- Paper submission deadline: July 09, 2021
The workshop on self-aware computing (SeAC) provides a forum for
exchanging ideas and experiences in the interdisciplinary area of
self-aware computing, fostering interaction and collaborations between
the different research communities interested in self-aware computing
The workshop was initiated by the 2015 Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 on
algorithms and architectures for self-aware computing systems, which
together 45 international experts. We seek all types of works concerning
theory, applications, and evaluation of SeAC systems and related
### Self-Improving Systems Integration (SISSY)
- <https://sissy.telecom-paristech.fr/>
- Paper submission deadline: June 14th, 2021
The workshop intends to focus on applying self-X principles to the
of “Interwoven Systems” (where an “Interwoven System” is a system cutting
across several technical domains, combining traditionally engineered
systems making use of self-X properties and methods, and human systems).
The goal of the workshop is to identify key challenges involved in
creating self-integrating systems and consider methods to achieve
continuous self-improvement for this integration process.
### Self-Organised Construction (SOCO)
- <http://www.selforganisedconstruction.org>
- Paper submission deadline: June 20, 2021
The SOCO workshop is on self-organised construction. Originally inspired by
nest construction in social insects, the general concept relies on a
large number of agents that collaborate, coordinating their construction
efforts. Given a clear focus on a computational perspective, relevant
research areas include empirical, theoretical, practical, or
explorative approaches to self-organised construction, maintenance and
In addition to original contributions to this field, we especially would
like to encourage vision papers, presenting challenges for the future of
self-organised construction.
### Self-Protecting Systems (SPS)
- <https://sites.google.com/view/sps21/home>
- Paper submission deadline: June 14th, 2021
Automatically defending a computer system encompasses a large number of
activities, that range from data capture, management and analysis,
to automated decision making and automated system operations.
In this workshop, we solicit high quality contributions that fit
with any of the aforementioned activities and/or the overarching idea of
creating a fully automated protection system.
### Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing for self-organizing systems:
software engineering challenges
- <https://easychair.org/cfp/UPC2021>
- Paper submission deadline: June 15th, 2021
Ubiquitous Computing intends to provide computing and communication services
anytime and everywhere. Pervasive Computing aims to provide
spontaneous services
created on the fly by mobiles that interact by adhoc connections.
the aim of these paradigms is to move forward computational services
from conventional mode based on users/computer interactions into a new
based on users/environment interactions. The aim of this workshop is
to identify
new approaches and relevant research activities in the design of
architectures, distributed algorithms, emergence and self-Adaptive
for Ubiquitous and Pervasive environments.
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